Silent Heat

  • Check whether the heifers have attained the breeding weight or not.

  • Maintain breeding records of the animal and observe for the signs of heat at expected time of estrus.

  • Keep the animals under a shed and try to avoid exposure to heat.

  • During summer, sprinkle water over the animals for 5-10 minutes twice or thrice in a day.

  • During summer, allow the animals to wallow for 1-2 hours daily in the morning and evening.

  • If the roof of an animal shed is made up of iron sheet, put some paddy straws on the floor and make it wet by sprinkling some water.

  • Feeding of the animals should be done during the cool hours. Provide sufficient clean drinking water to the animals.

  • Closely observe the animal for the signs of heat especially during night and increase the time of observation.

  • Provide a balanced ration to the animal, which includes mineral mixture and vitamins.

  • Regular deworming of the animal.

  • For the suspected animals under silent heat, use teaser bulls to identify the animals as bulls can still identify the females in heat.

  • Seek advice from a qualified veterinarian.

  • Check the breeding record of animals.

  • Check the age and body weight of the animal.

  • Advise farmers to provide balanced ration to animals.

  • Reduce the amount of post-extraction soya meal (high in isoflavones), if present in the ration.

  • Shed of the animal should be observed and farmers should be advised to keep the animals under shade.

  • Try to know whether the farmer is giving sufficient time to observe the animal for signs of heat.

  • Advise farmers to use bulls to identify the animal in heat.

  • Per-rectal palpation of the reproductive organs of female animals for identifying any abnormality.

  • Massage to the reproductive organs may be done for a few days.

In addition to the recommendations for paraveterinarian, a veterinarian may observe the following

  • Recommend blood tests to check the hormonal profile of the animal.

  • Should observe all the points like stress, ration, deworming status, etc. personally.

  • Include iodine in the ration if it is limiting in the ration.

  • Advice farmers to use advanced methods for heat detection (Collars/pedometers) in such animals.

  • Inform farmers about the importance of maintaining breeding records and heat calendar and train them.

  • Hormonal treatment (progesterone alone or in combination with estrogen) may be given to induce estrus signs in such animals.