
A case where the pregnancy is not maintained till the birth and the foetus or embryo is expelled from the uterus.

Deliberate insertion of semen in the uterus or cervix of the female to achieve pregnancy without the natural breeding.

Simulation of human intelligence by machines or computers. It employs different softwares.

A feed that provides all the components, like carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals etc. in the proper amount and proportion to meet the requirements of the animal such as growth, body maintenance, pregnancy, lactation etc.

A loud voice made by cows or buffaloes. The frequency of bellowing increases during the estrus period and it serves as one of the signs of an animal in heat.

A bacterial infectious disease caused by Brucella bacteria. It causes abortion in middle to last trimester and is a zoonotic disease.

A fluid released from the cervix (opening of uterus) of animals during the estrus.

Early embryo and its appendages along with associated membranes (placenta, umbilical cord) in the uterus.

A yellow hormone secreting temporary structure produced in the ovary after the ovulation and mainly secretes progesterone and moderate amount of estrogen and inhibits A hormones.

Ovaries with cysts, fluid filled sacs within or on the surface of the ovary.

Animals species which produce large quantities of milk and their milk is used for consumption by humans. Example: Cattle, Buffaloes, Goat, Sheep, Camels.

Giving anthelmintic drugs to animals to kill the worms, most commonly tape, round and hookworms.

A condition of difficulty in parturition or labour.

Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay. This is the most commonly used test for the diagnosis of disease, or detection of ligand or protein biomolecules in the biological fluid on the basis of antigen-antibody interaction. It is a quantitative as well as quantitative test.

The period of sexual cycle from one ovulation to next ovulation and is accompanied by changes in animal where animal shows signs of estrus and male receptivity.

A process where the estrus cycle of an animal is manipulated by giving hormones so that all the animals come to estrus or standing heat at the same time.

A signal that detects negative as positive.

An unborn offspring that develops from the embryo and is in the uterus. It usually starts eight weeks after conception.

Group of cattle and Buffaloes.

A process in which the developing embryo as blastocyst moves to the uterus, makes contact with the uterine wall and remains there till the birth.

The period between one calving to the next calving. Optimally it should be around 365 days in cattle and buffaloes. It is also called as Calving interval.

A protein produced by the trophoblast cells of the embryo and plays a role in the maternal recognition of pregnancy. It also has anti-viral properties.

Plant extract having the properties like estrogen. It is most common in soybeans and soya products.

a bacterial infectious disease caused by Leptospira. It causes abortion at any stage of the pregnancy and the newborn will be weak if it survives.

Inflammation of udder or mammary glands due to physical trauma or microbiological infection.

A short non-coding RNA of 22 nucleotides in length that regulates the function of other genes.

A condition where the size and weight of the ovaries is reduced resulting in decreased number of oocytes or follicles.

A condition where the development of the ovaries is incomplete and the affected ovary or part of the ovary lacks follicles.

An organism that lives in or on the body of the other organism (host) and obtains food and shelter at the expense of the host.

Act of giving birth.

A practice where the examination of the reproductive organs, in large animals, is done by inserting a hand through the rectum. It is also used for the pregnancy diagnosis.

A steroid hormone produced in female, involved in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy maintenance.

It is the posterior part of the animal that corresponds to the sacrum and is frombas of the tail to the posterior of loins.

It is the minimum concentration of an analyte that can be detected.

Component of the blood that is free from cells and coagulation factors. It is a fluid component of the blood received after the coagulation of blood.

A period or stage of estrus when the female animal remains standing while the other animal mounts. It is the most reliable and confirmatory sign that an animal is in heat.

A bull that has been vasectomised to make it sterile. It is used to detect females in heat.

Outer layer of cells present in the blastocyst.

a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis and causes infertility and abortion in cattle and buffaloes. It causes early embryonic death.

Diseases that can be transmitted naturally from human to animals and from animals to humans.