Postpartum Anestrus

  • Provide balanced ration and feed to the animals.

  • Maintain breeding records of the animals and observe for the signs of estrus after 60 days of parturition.

  • If the animal suffered from a pathological condition then the follow-up treatment should be completed.

  • Calf should be weaned and not allowed to suckle mother after a recommended period of 30-45 days.

  • Animals should be kept in stress free conditions.

  • Check the history and breeding record of the animals.

  • Per-rectal examination of the animal after 60days of calving for condition of the uterus, presence of CL and cysts in the ovary.

  • Check the ration and housing system of the animal and give suggestions to the farmers accordingly.

  • Advise farmers to remove any stressful condition.

  • Advise and educate farmers about the importance of prepartum feed for shortening the post-partum interval.

  • If the animal has a history of pathological disease, then inform the farmer for delay in the estrus.

  • Examination of animals for pathological diseases, uterine inflammation and give treatment accordingly.

  • Check the stocking density of the animals as high stocking density increases feeding competition and thus delays estrus signs.

  • Exogenous sources of progesterone hormones, like melengestrol acetate (MGA), controlled intravaginal drug release device may be used to induce estrus in the animals.