Artificial Insemination (AI)

AI is the introduction of frozen/cryopreserved semen in the female reproductive tract artificially by a trained person to achieve the pregnancy. In general average breeding value of the bulls used for AI is higher than the bulls used for the natural breeding, AI leads to rapid gain in the genetic progress. As compared to natural breeding, AI reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. AI also makes sure that the semen of bull of high genetic merit can be used to its optimum potential to gain the maximum advantage. However, the success rate of AI is judged by the conception rate. Therefore, to achieve the maximum conception rates, it becomes mandatory for the farmers and AI service providers to follow certain essential protocols and recommendations.

  • Farmers should detect the estrus and report the AI technicians at the appropriate time for successful results.

  • Farmers should not opt for natural breeding as this may expose the animal to infectious diseases

General Recommendations

  • AI service should be provided to the farmers at their door step, preferably.

  • Provisions should be made to receive the request for AI from farmers through online website, mobile apps, or by telephone through service centre.

  • The premises of the AI centre should be kept clean.

  • Frozen semen shall be from registered frozen semen stations that are following the minimum standards of the Government of India for semen production and processing

  • Always keep the AI kit clean and ready for AI.

  • Standard protocol for the thawing of the semen should be followed.

Semen Storage and Distribution

  • Frozen semen doses should be stored in all-weather safe storage area which is well ventilated.

  • A proper fool-proof identification system for each semen container, goblets/ canisters must be made so that semen of the desired bull can be traced easily.

  • The goblets should be tagged suitably for the identification of sample and during transfer of semen doses, each goblet should have sufficient space for liquid nitrogen.

  • Frozen semen should not be exposed above liquid nitrogen under any circumstances. If exposed, they should either be used or discarded.

  • Replenishment of liquid nitrogen in the semen storage containers should happen regularly to ensure sufficient level of liquid nitrogen.

  • Suitable storage containers should be available at each centre and sufficient liquid nitrogen should be available for replenishing the liquid nitrogen.

  • Maintain a log book to keep record of liquid nitrogen replenishment in all the containers.

  • A record of the semen doses supplied to various AI technicians at the time of dispatch should be maintained. After each dispatch, records redefining the position of remaining doses should be updated.

  • Cold chain should be maintained while providing the AI service to the farmers at their doorstep.

  • The AI accessories like AI gun, thermometers, thermos flask, AI sheet etc. should be clean and dry before use.

  • Before doing AI, the technician should ensure that the animal is in heat by observing the signs.

  • AI should be done by trained person with all the precautions.

  • The semen dose once withdrawn from the container should be inseminated within 10-15 minutes.

  • The disposals like gloves, AI sheet etc. should not be reused and must be discarded.

  • All the animals in which AI has been done should be followed after 21-30 days for the result of AI.

  • Semen dose used for AI should be of same breed preferably.

  • Never allow the tip of AI gun to touch external coat or anus/ vulva of the animal.

  • Farmers should be advised to keep the animal under stress free environment.

  • Record the breeding information in register provided by the authorities.

  • After the insemination of the dose tip of the AI gun should be examined for the presence of blood or any other discharge, which suggests the amount of force used, injury or infection the reproductive organ.

  • The performance of the AI technician should be evaluated bi-annually or annually on the basis of conception rate achieved.

  • Record of AI and conception rate should be reviewed by the higher authorities so that appropriate strategies and remedial measures may be developed for the successful implementation of the breeding programs.